Ukraine blocks Russian social media

Ukraine blocked some of the most popular Russian’s websites on this Tuesday.

According to the BBC, blocked websites are and Odnoklassniki, search engine Yandex and the email service. webside had more than 16 million users in Ukraine.

The decision was made by the President of Ukraine – Petro Poroshenko.The main reason of this decision was that Russia tries to make interfere to the East Ukraine conflict with pro-Russian separatists.

Ukraine and Russia have really complicated relations from 2014, when the Ukraine crisis started. Many protests and real war is continues all the time. Ukraine wants independent status, however it is really complicated nowadays.

Ukraine also decided to restrict more Russian airline companies. Russian airplanes are not allowed to use Ukrainian airspace.

Poroshenko has told that international sanctions against Russia could be revoked if Minsk Protocol will be put in effect. That means he doesn’t want to fight against Russia. It is a tough decision to protect the country.

According to the Russian Government, what Ukraine does is related to ‘hysteria’ and considers retaliation. However, according to the conflict situations, there are right decisions to pursue the peace.


Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko CREDIT: ODD ANDERSEN/AFP


 Anni Lavi and Kamilija Linkute







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