Autor: Redacción Observatorio

Manuel Lopéz-Linares presenta su libro “Pax Americana” en Europea TV

David Jiménez, antiguo alumno de la Universidad Europea, y ex director del diario El Mundo, y Manuel López- Linares, doctorado en Economía y Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, han mantenido una distenida  charla este martes 21 de febrero, sobre la llegada de Donald Trump a la presidencia de Estados Unidos y las perspectivas […]

James Bond contra el Doctor Brexit

Publicado en Desarrollando Ideas “No man is an island. No country by itself”. Con este lema de los que defienden la permanencia del Reino Unido en la Unión Europea se fotografió Daniel Craig, actor que en la actualidad encarna a 007, el agente secreto británico de fama mundial, para manifestar públicamente su apoyo al remain. […]

Brexit repercussions

This is probably one of the events that has generated the greatest public impact in many aspects of European society and more specifically in English society. There is a latent controversy following the referendum of the Brexit because the social spectrum that leaves is extremely relevant, since it has not taken into account the real and transcendental effect that […]

BREXIT Decision

Recently, tensions have grown in the United Kingdom as the nation has the respond to the BREXIT decision voted upon by the population in June 2016. This vote means that the UK has decided to leave and lose all ties to the European Union. The United Kingdom has been a member of the EU for […]

Debating UK Supreme Court Ruling about the Brexit

So far, the UK Government relied on the Royal Prerogative – which allows the Government to have its own initiative, like in the signing of treaties or declaration of war – to activate the Brexit process. However, last January the 24th, the UK Supreme Court changed the course of the proceedings: in order to activate the […]

Brexit: Parliament & Society

After the first referendum regarding the question whether the United Kingdom should remain a member of the EU or exit the regional monetary union was celebrated in June 2016, activating Brexit seems to prevail as one of the main `hot topics´ up until now. According to the BBC News : 53.4 % of England´s population, […]

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