Categoría: Asia e índico


“I realize how lucky I’ve had in my life” Mei Ling is a 25 year old immigrant originally from a modest village in southern China. Today she works in her restaurant, an Asian buffet in Madrid. Mei Ling was born and raised in China with her four sisters and two parents in a house without […]

Asia e índico
We All Can Do It!

The role of women in politics is something that has been disputed for many years and in the region of Asia-Pacific we have seen throughout the years some examples of the power that women have in politics. The first female ever to be head of government in the world was Sirinavo Barandike, president of Sri […]

Asia e índico
An Unlikely Alliance

Since the end of the Soviet Union, Russia has been a country wanting to regain power. With President Vladimir Putin leading the Russian campaign, many expected a continual growth, what they did not expect were the relations formed with their once enemy China. For many years the two communist countries had an alliance, though it […]

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