Categoría: regiones

América del Norte
Trump y un posible impeachment

Tras la llegada de Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca, la política estadounidense ha cambiado por completo. Parte de la sociedad americana así lo siente, el cambio de medidas sobre el medio ambiente, la política internacional, los despidos de Michael Flynn y James Comey, la inmigración y sobretodo la influencia rusa en la política americana, […]

Professor Nur Masalha at Universidad Europea

The Palestinian historian and Professor Nur Masalha visited Universidad Europea de Madrid on May 17th. He held an interactive lecture about Palestine, also observed by the Palestinian Ambassador in Spain Musa Odeh and the spokesperson of the Embassy Marwan Burini. Professor Masalha introduced the topic of Palestinian history and how the situation today arose. The […]

El secreto de Trump

El Estado Islámico planeaba atentar en aviones con pasajeros a través de bombas escondidas en sus ordenadores personales. Esta es la información que el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, filtró al ministro de Exteriores ruso, Sergéi Lavrov, así como al embajador Sergéi Kislyak, tal y como ha informado hoy The Washington Post, citando […]

Nuclear experiments in North Korea

In our time, nine countries possess around 15,000 nuclear weapons, according to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. The United States and Russia maintain approximately 1,800 of their nuclear weapons on high-alert status, which means, ready to be launched within minutes of a warning, but there are another countries with nuclear programs. United Kingdom, […]

A Snap Election for the UK

On the 18th April Britain’s Prime Minister, Theresa May made the announcement that there would be a Snap Election on the 8th of June, despite the fact that she had repeatedly insisted that she had no intentions to divert from the planned election in 2020. Speaking outside of Downing Street, on her reasons for the […]

Political life after the elections

We’ve all seen the results  of the French elections, with the victory of Emmanuel Macron against the extreme right party of Marine Le Pen, “Le Front National”. However, the political life still exists and many events happened in France in the past few days since the results of the elections. First of all; Marine Le […]

Elecciones Corea

Moon Jae-In encabeza los resultados de las elecciones surcoreanas que han tenido lugar este martes y que posicionan al liberal como futuro presidente del país. Moon pertenece al área demócrata liberal de Corea y era la principal oposición tras las elecciones del año 2012. Precisamente, este posicionamiento ha sido el principal factor de su victoria, […]

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