Categoría: regiones

Russians Learning English!

Having traveled in Russia both in Moscow and St Petersburg, I can personally attest to the fact that people in Moscow will not speak English to you. I found it easily to speak English in St Petersburg especially with the students, but overall Russia has a (well deserved) reputation for not speaking very good English. […]

After ISIS conquest in Ramadi, new strategies are set up.

The conquest of Ramadi by ISIS has meant the occupation of the capital of Iraq’s largest province, a major defeat for the Iraqi government and its Western backers. Ramadi was one of the last remaining districts held by government forces. Its conquest has supposed a big advance since Ramadi has been ”the first major city […]


“I realize how lucky I’ve had in my life” Mei Ling is a 25 year old immigrant originally from a modest village in southern China. Today she works in her restaurant, an Asian buffet in Madrid. Mei Ling was born and raised in China with her four sisters and two parents in a house without […]

Coalition Overstepping Resolution

“It’s not up to NATO to decide the future of Libya. If someone in NATO thinks otherwise, they are deeply mistaken,” Moscow’s envoy Dmitry Rogozin shared his concerns after a Russia-NATO meeting. The concern comes from the UN Resolution drafted by the Security Council which Russia has been a strong proponent of. From the start […]

Spanish Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean

MADRID-María Murillo Luque Fernando Rey Yébenes, the Assistant Coordinator General of AECID, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation that reports to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation through the State Secretariat for International Cooperation and Ibero-America, born in Priego de Córdoba (Spain),agreed to be interviewed via E-mail from Bogotá. Mr. Rey started his […]

territorios tomados por isis
El Estado Islámico conquista nuevos territorios en Siria

Las huellas del Estado Islámico(ISIS) crecen en Siria . Con brutalidad, el grupo terrorista ISIS ha sumado en las últimas semanas el control de territorios clave en este país. Lo único que pretenden es infundir miedo en los lugares cercanos a su zona de influencia. Esta misma semana, los yihadistas se apoderaron de casi toda la antigua […]

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