Categoría: Topics

President Saleh: Turning a blind-eye to humanitarian crisis

Ali Abdullah Saleh, former president of the Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen) from 1978 and president of the newly united Yemen (North and South Yemen) from 1990 up until 2012, when he was ousted. When he initially came into power, expectations for his presidency were very low. The US Central Intelligence Agency predicted that he […]

The Black-Gold Hunter

Khalid A. Al-Falih is the Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources of Saudi Arabia, he is also the chairman of Saudi Aramco. Al-falih was born in Saudi Arabia, more precisely in Riyadh in 1960. He studied in the USA, at the Texas A&M University earning a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 1982. In […]

Michel Aoun, el nuevo presidente del Líbano

Michel Aoun de 81 años que se declaró anti-sirio es el líder del partido Movimiento Patriótico Libre en Líbano, una coalición cristiana que apoya al grupo terrorista Hezbollá. Su religión es cristiano manorita la única vinculada con la Sede Apostólica de Roma. Tras dos años sin jefe de estado, Michel Aoun, se convirtió en 2016 […]

Global Cyber Attacks hits the NHS

According to the BBC, since Friday hundreds of thousands of computers in 150 countries have been hit in a cyber attack. It has hit a number of major companies and organisations such as FedEx in the US, Telefonica in Spain and the NHS in the UK. The ransomware that hit the NHS in England and […]

Bill O’Reilly – Fired From Fox!

Last Wednesday Fox News dropped one of their top-rated cable hosts Bill O’Reilly after a series of sexual harassment allegations made against him hit the headlines. Since joining the network in 1996, O’Reilly has been one of the company’s top assets, dominating prime time viewing and becoming a key voice in political commentary. In the […]

Macron – Le Pen: liberalism vs populism

Two different political ideologies faced each other last Sunday in France. The liberal party of Emmanuel Macron won widely the extreme-right party of Marine Le Pen. Macron´s European project was most voted against the populism and antieuropeism of Le Pen. Opposite candidates, and French bet for the logic option for their country. Emmanuel Macron: disliked […]

UK wants to send more troops to Afghanistan

Nato has asked Britain to consider sending more troops to Afghanistan, the BBC understands as currently there are about 500 British troops in the country, providing security in Kabul and training at the Afghan Officer Academy. Nato’s general secretary, Jens Stoltenberg, is going to meet with Theresa May at Downing Street on Wednesday and is […]

Una imagen del barrio de Lavapiés
Proyecto IN.MIGRA2-CM

El proyecto IN.MIGRA2-CM (estudio multidisciplinar y herramientas para la integración sociolingüística) es un proyecto competitivo financiado por la Comunidad de Madrid y el Fondo Social Europeo, con una duración de tres años (enero 2016- diciembre 2018). Está formado por una red de grupos de investigación de las universidades de Alcalá de Henares, Nebrija y Europea […]

De Guindos ante la supercatera ministerial

En esta ocasión se ha conformado una nueva cartera ministerial, con la incorporación de la Industria al nuevo Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, el cual ha recaído de nuevo en Luis De Guindos. Personaje conocido del panorama político español y al mismo tiempo criticado debido a la imposición de diferentes políticas en materia de economía durante la última […]

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