Terror shades on Saudi Arab and Qatar reputation
United Stated Secretary Hilary Clinton email revels she knew that Saudi Arab and Qatar governments funded and gave logistical support to ISIS by August 2014 reported ‘WikiLeaks’ this week.
‘While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.’ – it is published part of the letter that was sent to the 2016 H. Clinton presidential campaign former chairman John Podesta.
Back in July, 2016 the democracy candidate for the USA president position Hilary Clinton was accused for using private emails for work. After a while the investigation was cancelled. According to the experts it could be the reason why she lost the president election. However, the head of Federal Investigation Association J. Comey said, that the investigation could be updated because of the new evidences. As ‘WikiLeak’ revelled the information from the personal chat between H.Clinton and her assistant J.Podesta.
Even though some people believe that ‘WikiLeaks’ is bought non-government organisation against the USA government, Independent news published information that after a day of Hilary Clinton leaked emails Saudi Arabia took the decision to cut diplomatic ties due to Qatar’s ‘embrace of various terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at destabilising the region’ including the Musim Brotherhood, al-Qaida, ISIS and groups supported by Iran in the kingdom’s restive eastern province of Qatif. In the same time, Qatar denied it funds for extremist groups. However, it remains a key financial patron of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and has been the home of exiled Hamas official Khaled Mashaal since 2012.
‘WikiLeaks’ spaces up the atmosphere with the reveal of the secret documents. As the situation gets international attention especially after the president of United States Donald Trump visited the Saudi Arabia last month.
Julija Kolosova and Kamilija Linkute