Etiqueta: Qatar

Qatar, el pequeño gigante se emancipa

Qatar se encuentra en posición de jaque ante la incertidumbre que presenta su población y el mercado local debido al quiebre de relaciones entre este pequeño gigante y las regiones vecinas del golfo. Todo comenzó tras ser acusado de apoyar al terrorismo, y hoy en día la ruptura ha supuesto el cierre de fronteras, tanto […]

The Qatar diplomatic crisis

This past Monday, many Arabs countries interrupt their relations with Qatar. The emirate is facing of lot of laxness suspicious regularly in the fight against the financing of terrorism. It’s a kind of little music who’s coming back regularly, the one of an Emirate who’s accused to be too soft about the financing of the […]

Terror shades on Saudi Arab and Qatar reputation

  United Stated Secretary Hilary Clinton email revels she knew that Saudi Arab and Qatar governments funded and gave logistical support to ISIS by August 2014 reported ‘WikiLeaks’ this week.  ‘While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of […]

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